15th July 2023
  Librarians in the Community Libraries Network

Tamer Institute for Community Education implemented, as part of its work with the Community Libraries Network in Gaza, a reflective track for the librarians of community libraries who are members of the Community Libraries Network. This track took place on Thursday, July 19, 2018. The agenda of the track, attended by 25 librarians or their representatives, covered two main aspects. The first aspect involved reviewing the results related to the performance and presence of the community libraries based on available report-based and digital information, which was documented through monthly monitoring of these libraries and a series of field visits conducted by the organization during the previous period.

The second aspect focused on a set of ideas that the organization presented for discussion and development with the librarians, with the aim of improving the community libraries and increasing their societal and cultural presence in their surroundings and areas of operation.

Through presenting these ideas, the track aimed to build on the accumulated experience of working with community libraries within their various contexts. This was achieved by focusing on common ideas that can be generalized to libraries and can be applied and utilized, with the goal of progressively and continuously building upon them in the track's work.