TAMER Institute for Community Education is an educational non-governmental non-profit organization established in 1989 as a natural and necessary response to the urgent needs of the Palestinian community during the first intifada (uprising). The most important of these is the need to acquire means to help people learn and become productive.
Focusing principally on the rights to education, identity, freedom of expression, and access to information, Tamer works across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, primarily targeting children and young adults to encourage and deepen opportunities of learning among them. Our program aims to contribute to enhancing reading, writing and all forms of Expression among children and young adults. It also aims at contributing to a Palestinian environment that is supportive to learning processes, and at supporting the literary and scholar production on child culture in Palestine.
Towards a Free and Safe Palestinian Learning Society
To Encourage and deepen opportunities of learning among children, young adults and groups which work with them.
Supporting the literary and scholarly production on child culture in Palestine.
Enhancing reading, writing and all forms of expression among children and young adults.
Contributing to a Palestinian environment that is supportive to learning (including solid policies and infrastructure that are suitable for children’s growth).
Supporting and formulating the Institutional Capacity of Tamer Institute.
اختارت المؤسسة زهرة الحنون شعاراً لها، الزهرة التي تنمو مخترقةً التربة الصلبة وتنمو في صخور الجبل، حيث انعكاس الرغبة والأمل والقدرة على التغيير داخل مجتمعنا الفلسطيني رغم كل القيود والمعيقات وأنماط التفكير التي تعيق التقدم، وبالنسبة للمؤسسة فإن هذا الأمل يتمثل في الشباب والأطفال الذين يشبهون زهرة الحنون وهم يتحدون كل العوائق. بعد ثلاثين عاماً من تأسيس المؤسسة صارت الصخرة تأخذ شكل المنحنى بدلاً من شكل المربع، في إشارة إلى أثر المؤسسة في مجتمعنا الفلسطيني